Two enormous 85- by 54-foot glass panels serve as the cafeteria’s exterior wall when the weather is dreary-but on most days, like this one, they slide open to a large outdoor patio, where another 1,700 people can gather to eat organic, locally sourced fare. Inside the building one clear, sunny afternoon this fall, the main spaces were flooded with natural light, especially the four-story-high cafeteria, with room for 700 people. Jony Ive’s collaboration with Jobs would produce some of the world’s most iconic technology products, including the iMac, iPod, iPad, and iPhone. In 1997, Steve Jobs discovered a scruffy British designer toiling away at Apple’s headquarters, surrounded by hundreds of sketches and prototypes. Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products Ive spent more than five years working closely with the British architect Norman Foster on virtually every detail, from the 900 curved, 45-foot-long glass panels that serve as walls, to the elevator buttons, which are subtly concave (like the home button on an old iPhone) and made of brushed aluminum (like a MacBook). The Ring, as Apple employees call the main building on the new campus, is an enormous glass circle that wraps around a landscape of meadows and imported California hardwood trees. One of the Ive creations that Apple launched this fall is the company’s vast new headquarters in Cupertino, California. It remains very fluid for quite a while.” Then the idea sort of bashes backward and forward between a thought, a conversation, another drawing, this time to share the idea. “Over the years, my drawings have become more and more sparse. Rather, it’s the spark of a dialogue between inspiration and possibility. “Drawing wasn’t ever an end to itself, and it wasn’t about self-expression,” he says. Raised outside London, he studied industrial design at Newcastle Polytechnic in the north of England. It’s clear from my recent interview with Ive-he’s sitting on a sofa in a suite at the Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan-that his artistic impulses haven’t changed much since childhood: He has always sought to make things that aren’t just beautiful but are supremely functional as well. And Ive’s mark is on everything Apple builds, from the airy, minimalist chic of its 497 retail stores to seminal devices like the iPhone and iPad, and newer pieces like the Apple Watch and the upcoming HomePod speaker. Of the handful of companies that have come to define technology in the 21st century, including Amazon, Facebook and Google, only Apple depends on selling its own hardware. The chief of design at Apple, Ive was Steve Jobs’ closest confidant, and now, at 50 years old, six years after Jobs’ death, he’s one of the two most important people at the world’s most valuable company, the other being CEO Tim Cook. He has been making things ever since, including the most sought-after gadgets on the planet. “From the earliest days I can remember, I loved drawing and making things.” “If I spent time determining what I wanted to make and developing the idea with drawings,” Ive recalls, “he would give me some of his time, and together we would go into the university workshops and complete it.” Over the years they built furniture, a go-cart and parts for a treehouse, working in wood and a variety of metals. When Jony Ive was a boy, his father, a college professor of design and technology and a silversmith, presented him with an unusual Christmas present-an agreement.